DMR telsizleri, çalışma prensibi, haberleşme modu, kapsama alanı, haberleşme kalitesi ve uygulama senaryoları bakımından sıradan telsizlerden farklıdır. Her şeyden önce, DMR telsizleri dijital sinyal iletim teknolojisini kullanırken, sıradan telsizler analog sinyal iletim teknolojisini kullanır. Dijital sinyal iletimi, analog sinyal iletimindeki gürültü ve bozulmayı önleyebilir ve daha yüksek konuşma kalitesi elde edebilir. Ek olarak, dijital sinyal iletimi, noktadan noktaya iletişim, grup araması ve yayın dahil olmak üzere çeşitli iletişim modlarını destekler ve farklı uygulama senaryolarında iletişim gereksinimlerini karşılar.
Secondly, DMR radio (GT-10D) adopts time division multiple access technology, which can realize multiple users using the same frequency at the same time, greatly improving the communication capacity. Ordinary two way radios use analog signal transmission technology, only one user can occupy one frequency, the communication capacity is relatively small. Thirdly, DMR radio (GT-10D) has a wider coverage. Since digital signal transmission can achieve a wider coverage area with the same transmission power, DMR radios (GT-10D) can cover a wider area with the same frequency band and power.
Finally, the application scenarios of DMR radios are more extensive. Because of its higher communication quality, larger communication capacity and wider coverage, DMR radio has been widely used and promoted in public safety, transportation, electric power, petrochemical and other industries. The common two way radio is more used in the field of personal consumption, such as outdoor sports, tourism, commercial use. To sum up, there are great differences between DMR radios and common radios in working principle, communication mode, coverage, communication quality and application scenarios. Because of its higher communication quality, larger communication capacity and wider coverage, DMR radio has been widely used and promoted in public safety, transportation, electric power, petrochemical and other industries.